Sunday, August 2, 2015

Event Review - Summer Games Done Quick

Over the past week, speed-runners from all across the nation have pooled together to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. Throughout the week, several popular franchises were played such as the Mario, Metroid, Halo, Castlevania, etc. SGDQ 2015 raised $1.25 million for Doctors Without Borders. In this article we will review some of the highlights of SGDQ 2015.

Donkey Kong Country Block

Towards the beginning of the marathon, there were a few games featured from the SNES classic Donkey Kong Country block, in particular, Donkey Kong Country, DKC Glitched any %, Donkey Kong Country 3, as well as a donation incentive for DKC 3 Lost World. If you would like to check out some of the recordings from the DKC block, you may do so here.

Resident Evil 3

Something I haven't seen before, and thought was really cool, was the Resident Evil 3 speedrun. It was a really neat way to start the week, and fans of the game should check out the link here

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

One of my favorite game franchises, in this run, the speedrunners do a 100% run of MP2 in just a few short hours. By far one of my favorite speedruns of the whole marathon! You may watch here

The Legend of Zelda: Swordless Run

In this speedrun, the objective is to get through the NES Legend of Zelda without using a sword, impossible right? Just another challenge for the world's greatest gamers. You may view here

Donkey Kong 64

Really cool speed run of one of my favorite N64 titles. You may watch here

I Wanna Be The Boshy

One of my favorite speedrunners, of a crazy awesome game. You will find this speedrun hopefully hilarious! You may view the insanity here

Pokemon: Blue

Really cool glitched 151 pokemon speedrun. Oh by the way theres an incentive after this game, for a blindfolded Pokemon Blue run, so thats a thing! you may view here

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Great speedrun of a true classic. You may view here

Super Mario 64 Any % Race, Super Mario 64 120 Stars 

Probably one of the major highlights of the marathon. Both of these runs are insane and worth a watch. The any percent run is here. The 120 Stars race is here

Super Metroid 4 Way Any % Race

THE MAIN EVENT of the marathon, 4 way race, with the donation incentive of Kill the Animals vs. Save the Animals finally being revealed. Super exciting, and some of the very best of the speedrunning community compete here

The Finale: Chrono Trigger Co-Op 100%

Two awesome runners slam one of the greatest RPG's of all time in just a little over 5 hours. You may watch the game here

All in all, there were TONS of games featured at SGDQ 2015, a lot of money was raised for a good cause. All of the speedruns were archived and uploaded to YouTube for your viewing pleasure. What is your favorite game to speedrun? Would love to hear back from you!


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